Sunday, August 23, 2009

Live, love, laugh!!

Sayonara to school 4de moment...And holidays are hereee...
Aahs..I'm already starting to feel super lazyyyy....what more, on a hot sunday afternoon..oh gosh!!=) Anyway, we've got like an 8hour schedule of daily revision from day one of the holidays. *faints* Yeahh..speedo speedy up the work then it'll be prison break!!=]] School was fun the past week...wheeee!!xDD
Wednesday's farewell was kinda niceee.. One thing, no McD or fastfood.*phews. Instead, we had a small buffet. All i know the curry puff was yumyum!:) And the 2nd thing was we've got a New Maid in Town !! And that's....Jazellebelle (or how do u spell it?!haha) There's black pepper chop(me) maryland chicken(thina) and rawkstar(miching) too..It was funny. Hahaha!!!

Someone's best pal..Who else if not.....


Imagine Jazellebelle wearing that!!!whoahhhh..*chokes*

Chess farewell:- Sadly, its only for commitees and form5's or else it would have been more noisy i suppose. But the food was deliciousss!! Especially homemade chicken pie. Aloha! There was 2much 2 eat n we ate n ate till we couldn't eat anymore.*burps out loudly* Agree, belle?! =)))

Merdeka/perpisahan celebration:-
5s2 did a great job and Sunita sure can dance ehh.erhems..ha ha*.Sukaneka pulak, though n'gale lost, n'gale still rawks!! eheh.=)) But credits to the other houses victory. oleh...olehx3*. And ai, gudbye to the two teachers who'll be leaving us. Gud luck in the future undertakings!!:))

I'd been staying for a couple of days at my uncle's house for some reason. Yeahh, there're lots of cousin babies.
Had to help to rock them to sleep and carry them around. But my cousins are really cute. One moment they laugh and scream n a minute later, they start to cry(it happens all the time).haha. And there's Cody who cannot 'poopoo' even after one hour of trying to make him poo..hahaha. And there's another one. He was like..'ayam kakak' 'ayam jiejie' and i was like *ehhh(??) only to find out he actually meant to say 'sayang kakak n jiejie'. He just can't say it properly. HAha. I stoled my cousins' favourite food! Pengpeng(biscuits). Mwehh..i was really hungry all the time. Can't help it.hehhee.:PP

As for the results. One paper left to collect. Art. Yikes!! Not lifting my hopes high but hopefully i'll do fairly well!!*prays. Not forgetting about the heart-to-heart talk with several peopleSS. You know who you are..Best of luck ppl in whatever it is!! Ganbateh!=DD

And atention to all 3hornbillians. We've got a class bloggie! Its new and still under progress. Go check it out at =)) Of course, others are welcome2! Dipersilakan..:PP

I love fried eggs+pepper+kichap.

Tho its simple, its reallyy tasttyyyy!!!!><

I wanna run n breakfree like tis!!=]
Where is life without love?!!
Love yourself n treasure ur loved ones..=DDD
Get fat!! Relax..and Take e break!
Holidays are nothing when there's no fun to it!!..
Soo, Have a blast n great one!!:))) hohoho
~signing off~

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