Thursday, November 19, 2009

Look at the bright side! =)

Lying on MGS compound's tar road. Ain't we just crazeh?! =)

3 Hornbill 2009!! C-H-E-E-R-S!! :))))

Haven't eaten snacks such like 'super ring' for ages. I forgot it even existed. Lots of colouring n preservatives. Yet, eatin em' is rather the cheesy taste!!! =]]] Fyi, super rings aren't food for kiddies only.HAHA

I'm just very glad that all the post pmr activities are over..Well, all i can say is that :-
Some was fun (like the Cameron's trip.haha)
Some was stresssful and just overly tiring (due to verrrrrry last minute practices)
Some was a pain.and embarassment. In fact,, senam robic, pentas wayang and hurm.. choral too?! But we just laughed it off..haha!!
Some was interestin' (like the stage play drama thing =])
Some was just pure exciting
Overall, i'm just relieve it's all over.
At least, i can live quite in peace.LOL

But seriously, i feel mentally exhausted over iT. I do bear in mind that everyone deserves and ought to express their own emotions. If it did help make things better, then its okay. But really, I just want everything to be back to normal. Everyone has feelings..=/

Idk why..but lately, there's this bundle of bottled up emotions.
I haven't been talking as much as i do.
Even if i did, it was at times only.
Anyway, today, we had our class party!!!
One word to describe it all...AWESOME!!! hahaha =]]]
Who'd ever thought we'll end up soaking wet in our pinafores?!
It was reallayyy fun.*grins*
Thank me. I wanted ice-cubes for the drinks.
And people started to play.*feelin' proud*
LOL :PP kddinz bout da proud part..*haiks* hehe

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