Thursday, August 19, 2010

*I hate naming posts!! :PP

I Throw My Hands Up In The Air Sometimes
Saying Ayyy-Ohh
Gotta Let goooo..
I wanna celebrate and live my life
Saying Ayyy-Ohh, Baby Let's Go!
Listened to the song afew times already and i still like it.Its normal. I'll listen to the song over n over again till i get bored of it.hahaha.but actually i only like the chorus..esp the 'ayyy-ohh' part..i can imagine myself throwing my hands up in the air like what people do in concert lor during those slow slow songs..*sways both hands from left to right to the left and back to right* HAHAHA :)) Nehh,just simply crapping here..Hoho! :DD btw,i felt :// for Suraya after what happened today. She really is a good monitor.No matter what we'll love her as our momo!:)) and i'm sure she does love us too?!! *grins* but of course her 16 husbands comes first til sixteen in her list then only us!! lol :PP

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