Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Substance-less issues

Hillsong's pieces of music are a comfort to listen to..Sudden likin' for it..=)) Anyway,givin' away my un-used workbooks for free.haha. *lelong lelong* Taking those books to think of it, im lazzzeeyy to carry it up n down de *ele..ele..vator.So might as well just give it to others instead lerr, which also means i have to carry it anyway. Ah..wells..=] Hmmmss...the quiz was kinda right. Whee, im feelin' very lazy. Lazy to even move my butt away from its chair's surface..maybe cos due to the pull of gravity n friction causin it to stay at its fixed position?! LOL (yeah, being too free leads to blabberingSS..=PP)

We were like chit chatting in class 24/7 today.. And pn chan was in our class. Reading newspaper.We were super noisy n talkin like as though we owned the place. haha. Then she sudd asked us.. 'ey,your mouth all never get tired wan ah?!'. The class's reaction =*laughter*. Then..we remain ssilent for...(you can even count the secs!!..*5..4..3..2..1..) Then i said 'Okay. lets start talkin again'..Ahaha =PP How amazing that we have such a gift called the 'mouth'.. HAHA.=) And today, for the first time...wearing my socks inside out.How *erhem*..creative right?!XP So maluu..but i've got reasons and it was not accidental.haha!

Mehh..boredom is overtaking the feelin of 'freedom'..*poofs*. I'm always so game up to go here n there. And agree to those friendsy outing plans. But at the very end, i somehow end up not being part of it at times. Wait..I think its A LOT of times..HAHA. I guess i don't like to seek all these requests from ibu bapa aku gua.hehe. Like so memafankan n burdening i guess.=P So yeahh, alex is gona *blabla..197234780312* at me 2moro for not going kiirtaara's house..and not ikut-ing the plan as usuall..LOL.*apologies*

Okeeyy..enough rants n bla bla for the day.Pillow..!!! Here i comee!! Fweehee! :))) nites!

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