Sunday, June 28, 2015

Up and about

Life is busy. The days stretches over long hours.

Easy access to uni. Now that I've failed to get a car sticker to enter the uni compound this time around (after 3 successful bids previously), it occurred to me that I slightly took it for granted. The convenience of a car always made me rush to uni and in a way, kept me lazy. Everything also relied on the car to bring me around. Lazy kan?? From what I've seen, those who are usually late for class turns out to be the ones who have cars also. ahaha. Initially, I kinda dreaded this, the walking and concerns for my car safety. Now, its just the latter. All I have to do now is to head to school much earlier and walk as my means to get around campus, no matter how far or near. Ok la, accepting liao. Haha. At least, I'm doing some basic exercise with my legs. HAHA. Feel happy to exercise in that sense also. :)

Its my first exposure ever; first sem since degree, digging into journals. Journals and journals of similar topics. Business Ethics is conquering my life. Aaks! Less enthusiastically, I'll mention a bit about my lecturer (who happens to be my tutor as well). He will definitely leave a mark in my life for several reasons. His untypical attitude, his fascination for journals and also, introducing us to endless journal reading. NOOO. Eye pain lo looking at the screeen. Gee gee gee.

To add salt to the wound, one day, my housemate picked up a photocopy journal from a table and seeing the quite thick stack of paper, I casually asked, 'Waa, how many pages is that?' She replied me while gently leafing through the journal, "Hmm? Luckily, very few la." As she continuously reviewed the journal, a slow triumphant smile spread across her face, before she added, "49 pages only.." Oh ohhh, I must be a newcomer in this area lor. T.T Hahaha.

The eco-friendly campaign is going. Let's hope we get to attract more participants to join the trip. Come come come! :) Hope Ann Gie and Lee Mee can make it too. Hehe.

Its not frequent that I watch canto movies but there were two recent ones that I've watched together wif my parents in the cinemas. Helios (canto/korean) has a bright potential for its sequel whereas today, we went to watch SPL 2 (canto/thai). NICEE. For several reasons, it poses many ethical dilemmas (or maybe BE is affecting my point of view here. Haha.), it keeps me thinking who would do what n so on. Its quite gory here n there, a decent plot and my fave is probably the fighting scenes which was in my opinion, really well-executed. :D (I think the fighting style is muay thai but I'm not too sure).

Before I end, its undeniable that journals are a great source of knowledge and being exposed to it is of course good. Haha. Just a short post of ranting before I head back to kampar. Hehees. Good9! =)

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