Wednesday, August 31, 2011


My eyes are closingggggg.but can't help it, mustt bloggg.Lol :) First of all, i watch Harry Potter (The final one) yesterday!!:DD Yes yes, although someone aka choe le ann says i'm outdated cos now only watch, I'm just too happy to watch it! So awesomeee geh.Right after finishing it, i felt like rewatching again.ahhsss!:) Actually dad ajak me to watch wen, or i wouldn't have watched. Can't help it. Although i'm happy,sadly too,the whole adventurous sequel has come to an end.:(

Next next.My brother knows me too well. He knows that while i'm studying (konnon), my mind is somewhere else, he knows i'm thinking what should i do next,or tommorow, or study what etc etc for the next day. PLANS, i call it. But always failed wen.:(

Anywaysss, Penang trip was quite nicee. Had lots to eat and watch lots lots of shows. Of course when there's astro available, I took advantage of it.heheh.:) Lastly, here are a couple of pictures. My blog has been dull ever since Forever?:P Soo let the pictures 'inspire' you or memupuk kesedaran? Lol :)


The actual phrase 'You shall not pass' is actually to not allow a beastly creature to trespass in the Lord of The Rings show.hahaha.

Familiar? :)
( Ignore the toad/froggey)
Don't daydream when you study! >

This perfectly describes me!!:SS
( Purposely put a large image for this one as a reminder)
Tapi kalau lu terasa, lu tahu lahh sendiri! hahhaaha.LOL.jkjk. :)

Lastly, a picture during the Penang trip taken by the beach.
Really like it.hees.
CDE (our initials)!:))

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